HelpAdvisor explains how to find & use the benefits that can help you live the life you deserve.
Healthy Aging

As your life changes, you encounter new questions.
Health & Medicare
Health information you can trust becomes even more important as you age. We help you navigate the complex world of health, insurance and Medicare to ensure you getting the right coverage for your needs.
Retirement Planning & Benefits
You’ve worked your whole life to get here. You deserve to enjoy the benefits. We’re committed to helping aging adults make the best use of their Social Security and other retirement benefits.
Prescription Drugs
Prescription drug costs can make life difficult for many Americans. We help you find ways to cut down on your drug costs and take advantage of the coverage available to you.
We Support

We understand the complexities of Medicare, and we’re dedicated to helping you better understand and utilize your coverage.
Read Our Featured Guides

Find and compare 2025 Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans and Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans available where you live. Select your state to find out more about Medicare plans near you and learn how to sign up for Medicare in your state.

Answer questions such as "When is Medicare Open Enrollment?" or "How do I enroll in 2024 Medicare?" Don't miss certain Medicare enrollment period deadlines, or you may be subject to higher costs, late enrollment penalties or lapses in coverage.

Between 173.5 million and 183.5 million doses of flu vaccine have been prepared for the 2022-2023 flu season in America, and it's more important than ever for people to get vaccinated this flu season as the nation continues to battle COVID-19. Learn more about this year's vaccine and how you can get it.

Medigap Plan G will likely soon become the most popular Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan, becoming more popular than Plan F. Read our review of Plan G to see if it’s the right Medigap plan for you, too.

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