Wyoming Unemployment Benefits and Eligibility
- Wyoming unemployment benefits can help residents experiencing an unplanned job loss. Find out who's eligible, how to apply and how much you can get in benefits.
Losing your job is a hardship, especially when it's unexpected due to budget cuts or a reduced need for employees. Wyoming offers unemployment benefits as a safety net for eligible residents.
The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services handles unemployment claims. Claimants must meet minimum work requirements and not be at fault for their unemployment.

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Who Is Eligible for Unemployment Benefits in Wyoming?
To receive unemployment benefits in Wyoming, you must meet all the following requirements:
- Be a Wyoming resident
- Be unemployed through no fault of your own
- Have worked in Wyoming within the last 12 months (this period may be longer in limited cases)
- Have earned a minimum amount of wages
- Be actively seeking new employment
If you quit your job or were fired for cause, you won't qualify for unemployment. You must have also worked for at least two quarters and earned $3,800 to be eligible for any unemployment benefits.
If you're approved for unemployment benefits, be prepared to show documentation that you are looking for work. Wyoming laws require recipients to contact at least two potential employers each week, and you must document these contacts.
How Do You Apply for Wyoming Unemployment Benefits?
The easiest way to apply for unemployment in Wyoming is online through the Wyoming Unemployment Insurance System. Alternatively, you may call (307) 473-3789 to apply by phone.
To make the application process go smoothly, be prepared with the following information:
- Your Social Security number
- Contact information for your last employer, including their mailing address
- The last day you worked
- Names of employers and dates you worked for any employment outside the state of Wyoming within the past 18 months
You may also find it helpful to have information about your wages and any other employers you worked for within the past year.
How Much Do You Get From Wyoming Unemployment?
Wyoming unemployment pays between $36 and $508 per week, but this amount does change periodically. It's calculated based on Wyoming law and the average weekly wage in the state.
You can receive unemployment benefits for up to 26 weeks of your benefit year. However, benefits may last up to a year if there were weeks when you received reduced payments due to other income. These reduced payments are sometimes made if you work a part-time job while receiving unemployment and looking for full-time work.
What Happens If Unemployment Claims in Wyoming Are Denied?
Unemployment claims may be rejected if the Department of Workforce Services believes that you didn't meet the basic statutory requirements for wages earned within Wyoming. Claims may also be denied if your last employer states that you quit or were fired for cause.
If you disagree with the denial, you may file an appeal within 28 calendar days of the date that the denial notice was mailed to you. You need to file a written appeal, but you can do this through the WYUI portal. You can also mail or hand-deliver a written appeal to the Wyoming Workforce Center.
- Your Social Security number
- Your mailing address and phone
- A copy of the denial
- A written explanation of why you disagree with the decision
You must sign the appeal. In many cases, a hearing will be scheduled. If you want to present evidence, you must send copies of the evidence to all parties and attend the hearing.