Find UnitedHealthcare In-network Doctors
- Find UnitedHealthcare in-network doctors using the UHC provider lookup tool online.
A health insurance plan is only as good as the network in which you can use it. And for UnitedHealthcare members, that means having a large nationwide network of doctors and other health care providers where you can use your plan.
Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plans combine your Medicare Part A and Part B benefits into a single plan. Some plans offer additional benefits such as prescription drugs, vision, dental, hearing and other benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t offer.
How Can I Find a UnitedHealthcare In-network Doctor?
You can search for UnitedHealthcare in-network doctors online in several ways:
- Current UnitedHealthcare members can log into their myuhc account and select “Find a doctor” to search for health care providers in their area that accept UnitedHealthcare plans.
- Those who are not enrolled in a UnitedHealthcare plan can also search online for UnitedHealthcare network doctors and other health care providers. Simply select the type of provider you are looking for and follow the prompts to find in-network doctors in your area.
Is UnitedHealthcare a Good Medicare Network?
The UnitedHealthcare network includes 1.7 million health care professionals and 5,500 hospitals and other medical facilities.
What Is a UnitedHealthcare In-network Doctor?
You’ll often hear the term “in-network doctor” when referencing health care and insurance. An in-network doctor at UnitedHealthcare is one who accepts UnitedHealthcare insurance and agrees to the cost-sharing terms outlined in their contract with UnitedHealthcare.
The UnitedHealthcare network includes more than just doctors. Pharmacies, hospitals, rehab facilities, urgent care clinics, dentists and even suppliers of medical equipment may all be part of the UnitedHealthcare network.
Do I Have to See an In-network Doctor if I Have UnitedHealthcare Insurance?
In most cases, you will want to remain in-network with a UnitedHealthcare plan, meaning you will usually want to receive care from an in-network provider.
- UnitedHealthcare HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plans generally restrict you to the UnitedHealthcare network for coverage. If you receive care from a provider outside of the company’s network, you will typically be responsible for the full cost.
- UnitedHealthcare’s PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans allow for some more freedom to venture outside of the plan’s network for care while still granting at least some coverage. However, you will usually maximize your benefits by remaining in the UnitedHealthcare network.
It should be noted though that with UnitedHealthcare HMO and PPO plans, emergency care cost-sharing is typically covered the same whether you receive the care inside or outside the UnitedHealthcare network. HMO and PPO plans can include individual and family plans along with Medicare Advantage plans.
One type of UnitedHealthcare plan that does not operate within a network is a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) plan. These plans, which supplement Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) benefits, are accepted by any health care provider in the U.S. who accepts Medicare. is owned and operated by Tranzact, the parent company of TZ Insurance Solutions LLC, which is the owner/operator of and other websites mentioned on HelpAdvisor and which has a financial relationship with some of the carriers listed on HelpAdvisor.