Find Wellcare In-network Doctors
- Find Wellcare in-network doctors and learn how using in-network Wellcare providers can help you save money if you have a Wellcare Medicare Advantage plan.

Certain Wellcare Medicare Advantage plans may require you to visit an in-network doctor or other health care provider. If you have a Wellcare plan or are considering in enrolling in one, read below to learn more about Wellcare in-network doctors including how to find them, when you must see them and more.
How Do I Find Doctors Who Are In The Wellcare Network?
If you’re shopping for a Wellcare Medicare (Medicare Part C) plan, you ca use the Wellcare online provider search tool to look up specific doctors and other health care providers to see if they are part of the Wellcare network.
Just enter your zip code and the name of the provider into the Wellcare doctor finder tool to determine if your favorite doctors will accept your coverage.
Wellcare Medicare Advantage plans cover all the same benefits as Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) combined into a single plan.
Medicare Advantage plans like the ones offered by Wellcare can also include additional benefits not covered by Original Medicare such as dental, vision, hearing or prescription drugs.
What Is a Wellcare In-Network Doctor?
A Wellcare in-network doctor is any doctor, other health care provider or health care company or facility that accepts Wellcare Medicare insurance, such as a Wellcare Medicare Advantage plan.
In-network Wellcare providers have agreed to the terms of their contract with Wellcare and will honor the coverage set forth by your Wellcare plan.
Why Should You See A Wellcare In-Network Doctor?
The two most common types of Wellcare Medicare Advantage plans are HMO plans and PPO plans.
- An HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plan requires you to see Wellcare in-network doctors for covered services. Visiting a health care provider outside of the Wellcare network with an HMO plan often means you are responsible for the full cost of care out-of-pocket.
- A PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plan will allow you to see doctors outside of the Wellcare network and still receive at least some coverage in most cases. Seeing doctors inside the Wellcare network will typically help you save money, however, as your out-of-pocket costs such as copays and coinsurance may be lower.
How Big Is The Wellcare Network?
Wellcare has a large network of participating providers that includes:
- General doctors
- A wide range of specialists
- Pharmacies
There are even medical equipment suppliers who are part of the Wellcare network.
Do I Have To Visit A Wellcare Hospital For Emergency Care?
There is typically no need to stay within the Wellcare network when seeking emergency care. In the event of an emergency, you may visit any ER that accepts Original Medicare, and your Wellcare benefits will be honored for the emergency medical care you receive. is owned and operated by Tranzact, the parent company of TZ Insurance Solutions LLC, which is the owner/operator of and other websites mentioned on HelpAdvisor and which has a financial relationship with some of the carriers listed on HelpAdvisor.